Does your organization need the tools to develop a 3-5 year Strategic Diversity Plan?  If so, join me in Chicago, November 12-14, where I will provide you the tools you need to create and implement a successful strategic diversity plan.

Do you need an expert to present your diversity training?

What do you know about Emotional Intelligence and how it can impact your workplace climate?

Diversity and inclusion training is relevant for new hires, management leadership training, continuing cultural education and ensuring effective global communication capabilities.

Are you looking for a diversity professional to develop and lead your workshop?

Are you looking to learn about Emotional Intelligence?

We can help develop, then present, unique and engaging content to meet your diversity & inclusivity needs.

Example of Training

Potential Training Topics

  • Microaggressions
  • Implicit Bias
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Eliminating Bias In Hiring & Recruiting
  • Strategic Diversity Plans

All Things Diverse, LLC Capability Statement

Courses Developed

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about developing training or a workshop to meet your needs.